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"the Golden Lion Group ...

... have used the lads for some years and always found the service to be efficient and reliable on our pubs carpets, which tend to be heavily marked and stained. We would have no hesitation in recommending them!"


Leo Day.

Golden Lion Group.

Buy with Confidence

Super Nanny

We were asked by a TV production company working for Channel 4 to attend to a four bedroom house in Littlehampton, West Sussex, where filming of the programme "Supernanny" was just about to start.

We were required to extraction clean the carpets at the property before "Supernanny" could enter the house, as she has an allergy to pet hair and the home in question had three dogs! The work was done using our truck mounted system, "Supernanny" was happy and filming could start.

However, a few days later "Supernanny" left the house for a few hours to see if she had worked her magic on the children of the family. As soon as she had shut the front door the children were on the phone to the friends who were caring for the dogs as they missed them. The friends thought there was no harm in bringing the dogs back to the house for a quick visit and made sure they got away before "Supernanny" returned. And return she did to an almighty sneezing fit!

That was our cue to return to clean the carpets all over again.